Elizabeth Wishnick
Author and Asia Scholar

Dr. Elizabeth Wishnick is a Professor of Political Science at Montclair State University and a Senior Research Scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University.
She is an authority on Chinese and Russian foreign policy and speaks both languages (and French, among others). She has a PhD in Political Science from Columbia University, an MA in Russian and East European Studies from Yale University, and a BA from Barnard College. Her complete CV and publications can be found here https://elizabethwishnick.academia.edu/.
These photos were taken while she was in China on a Fulbright Global award during the spring and summer of 2019. Dr. Wishnick traveled there to research and write a book about the dilemmas that arise in China's resource projects with Eurasian neighbors. The book, China's Risk: Energy, Water, Food and Regional Security, is under contract at Columbia University Press.
Dr. Wishnick visits China regularly for research and this was her second Fulbright--her first was to Hong Kong during the SARS pandemic in 2002-03. Never missing an exciting moment in Asia, she also lived in Taiwan in 1995-96. She has spent many months in Russia, too, most recently in Vladivostok, and plans return to Central Asia next year to complete her Fulbright research in Kazakhstan.
Selected Publications
"Sino-Russian Consolidation at a Time of Geopolitical Rivalry," PRC Leadership Monitor, 2020.
"The Impact of the Sino-Russian Partnership on the North Korean Nuclear Crisis, 2019.
"The Sino-Russian Partnership and the East Asian Order," 2018.
"In Search of the Other Revisited: China-Russia Relations Revisited," 2016.
"Post-2014 Afghanistan Policy and the Limitations of China's Global Role, 2014.
"Safe Harbor in a Risky World? China's Approach to Managing Food Safety Risk", 2013.
"Food Security and Food Safety in China's Foreign Policy," 2012.
"There Goes the Neighborhood: Afghanistan's Challenge to China's Regional Security Goals," 2012.
"Competition and Coopertive Practices in Sino-Japanese Energy and Environmental Relations," 2009.
"Of Milk and Spaceman: The Paradox of Power in an Age of Risk, 2008"
Strategic Consequences of the Iraq War: U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia Reassesed, 2004.
Growing U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia, 2002.
Mending Fences: Russia's China Policy from Brezhnev to Yeltsin ,University of Washington Press, 2014, 2001.